The basin gully system of Ayagaures forms a landscape dominated by stone elements. Aridity evidence the submitted landforms, highlighting the culminations of aspects shaped knife.

The vegetation is distributed extensively, and only rainy periods cover timidly the hillsides. Currently, dominates the presence of bushes adapted to the semiarid environment, composed by Tabaiba Amarga (Euphorbia regis-jubae), Verodes (Kleinia nerrifolia), Sage (Salvia canariensis), Gorse (Launea arborescens), Tajinaste (Echium onosmifolium), Grass Toe and other generalist species. The counterpoint is found in the funds of the ravine where develop mixed formations of Pines (Pinus canariensis), Sabinas (Juniperus turbinata), Wild Olive (Olea europaea ssp cercosiformis) and Dragos (Dracaena tamaranae). This Drago is a unique kind of southwest canary, since today is endangered, and has come to be considered a floristic gem.

The human presence is reduced to some traditional villages and to the network of roads and water infrastructure. Ayagaures include dams, the historic water needed to track for tropical and subtropical crops of the villagers.

@los_tanquillos Los Tanquillos
L O S   T A N Q U I L L O S                                                            Ayagaures - GRAN CANARIA
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